HIVE Tutorial for beginners | Hive and SQL

Rajat upadhyaya
2 min readApr 18, 2021


In this Tutorial, Firstly,You will learn about What is HIVE? and then you will learn their Similarity and differences with SQL in brief.This Tutorial is very helpful for analyzing the structured data.

What is HIVE?

  • It is a query tool like SQL queries (HQL-Hive_query language) and to query the data stored in HDFS locations.So, It is very easy to learn and codes in HiveQL or HQL.
  • Developed by Facebook later taken by Apache.
  • Hadoop stores the data in the form of HDFS files. It is Built on the top of hadoop.
  • It is Data warehouse tools, which is mainly used to analyze the structured data.

Similarity between HIVE and SQL-

It is same like SQL because both have the same structure.
In SQL query the data is in RDBMS but in Hive query the data is in HDFS.This processed on structured data. It means that , the data which we can stored in table form (rows and columns) like in RDBMS.

Difference between HIVE and SQL-

Here ,we will talk differences with SQL.

HIVESQL (Structured Query Language)It is not a database and does not store physical data.It is pure database and also stores physical data.It is the data warehouse tools.SQL is the data management tools.It builds on write-once and read-many concepts.SQL builds on write-many and read-many concepts.It is used for OLAP system (Batch processing).SQL used for OLTP system (Transaction processing).It is easily scalable and cost effective.It is not easily scalable and more costly.

Drawback of HIVE-

  • It is not a database and also don’t store the physical data.
  • Also, it takes more time for processing the data.
  • It is not made for the OLTP system (Online Transaction processing).
  • It does not support the unstructured data e.g. video, audio etc.

I hope, you have understood this article.This concept is very useful for big dataset for analysis.If you have any doubt then you can comment below.

I will meet you in next article.

Thank you!! Keep Reading.know more



Rajat upadhyaya
Rajat upadhyaya

Written by Rajat upadhyaya

Application developer|Technical blogger|Youtuber(MASTERMIND CODER)|owner at

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